Our Turn to Change

Our Turn to Change

Video installation of 4 channels and mirrored floor.

Curating by Marisa Caichiolo , for DIVERSEartLA exhibited in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles (CA) - United States from January 19 to 23, 2022.    

Video installation made in collaboration with Gabriel Penedo Diego and presented by the Museum of Natura of Cantabria.

Our Turn to Change

One small drop fell and then another and another and another.

Thus, drop by drop, large amounts of ice are lost every second. The poles are melting.

We, meanwhile, continue with our lives, with our dreams, as if this could never affect us.

The dripping continues and vast frozen expanses have already been lost.

Arctic is at minimum levels, Antarctica has lost ice shelves recently, glaciers have retracted and the oceans raise their level.

Forest fires, droughts, tidal waves, floods….

This is our turn to change.

We can still do it.

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